Meteor Madness (CharlieMort Games) Mac OS

Meteor Madness (CharlieMort Games) Mac OS

May 28 2021

Meteor Madness (CharlieMort Games) Mac OS

This is a list of meteor smashes in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Characters who have an attack with a meteor smash hitbox are listed here, along with each attack. The angle range that is considered a meteor smash (recognized via a distinctive sound effect if the attack is sufficiently strong) is from 230 degrees to 310 degrees. This list does not include unconventional meteor smashes.


Banjo & Kazooie[edit]

  • Down aerial - A stall-then-fall that meteor smashes for the first few frames of the duo's descent.


  • Down smash - Madama Butterfly's foot comes from above and stomps on the ground.
  • Down aerial - A stall-then-fall motion that meteor smashes at the hitbox on Bayonetta's foot.


  • Down aerial - A stall-then-fall motion that meteor smashes for the first few frames of Bowser's descent.
  • Bowser Bomb - Meteor smashes on the first two frames of Bowser's descent.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes with the clean hit's sweetspot on the head of the Aymr weapon. On grounded opponents, it is the strongest down aerial that can meteor smash.
  • Sword of the Creator - Opponents latched onto with the grappling portion of the move will get meteor smashed at 50% damage onwards.

Captain Falcon[edit]

  • Up tilt - Will always meteor smash regardless of whether the opponent is grounded or not. A weaker meteor smash is located in Falcon's heel.
  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes at the sweetspot on Falcon's feet.
  • Raptor Boost - The aerial version of the move meteor smashes aerial opponents with the sweetspot on Falcon's fist.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes with the clean hit's sweetspot on Charizard's foot.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents near the hilt.
  • Soaring Slash - Meteor smashes when Chrom descends with the attack.


  • Forward aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents at the clean hit's sweetspot located at the end of the sword arc.
  • Down aerial - The clean hit meteor smashes aerial opponents if hit by the center of the Buster Sword.
  • Climhazzard - Meteor smashes when the follow-up attack is executed on opponents below Cloud.
  • Omnislash - The penultimate hit is a meteor smash.


  • Down aerial - A stall-then-fall drill motion that meteor smashes with all its hitboxes.

Dark Pit[edit]

  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes at the clean hit's sweetspot, located at the center of the arc right below Dark Pit.

Dark Samus[edit]

  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes at the center of the arc below Dark Samus.

Diddy Kong[edit]

  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes as Diddy swings his fists downward.
  • Monkey Flip - If Diddy Kong jumps after latching onto an opponent, they will be meteor smashed.

Donkey Kong[edit]

  • Forward aerial - Meteor smashes at the sweetspot on Donkey Kong's fists when they are directly in front of him.
  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes when sweetspotted at his foot.
  • Headbutt - Meteor smashes aerial opponents when sweetspotted at the bottom of the headbutt's arc. The aerial version of the move has a smaller hitbox.
  • Hand Slap - The aerial version meteor smashes with the second hit.

Dr. Mario[edit]

  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes opponents at the sweetspot located at Dr. Mario's feet.

Duck Hunt[edit]

  • Down aerial - Both hits meteor smash, though the first hit has very weak knockback designed to lead into the stronger second hit.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents during the clean hit.
  • Falco Phantasm - The aerial version meteor smashes aerial opponents.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes at the sweetspot on Ganondorf's legs.
  • Flame Choke - Weakly meteor smashes opponents, causing them to fall to the ground. If the move's grab connects in the air, a stall-then-fall grab motion brings both Ganondorf and his opponent downward until solid ground is hit or they both bypass the lower blastline, which will also meteor smash if landed perfectly near the ledge.
  • Wizard's Foot - A stall-then-fall motion that meteor smashes for the first few frames of Ganondorf's descent.
  • Ganon, The Demon King - The paralyzing hit (the sword swing) is a powerful meteor smash. It uses set knockback.


  • Down aerial - A stall-then-fall motion that meteor smashes for the first few frames of Greninja's descent.
  • Substitute - The downward angled version meteor smashes aerial opponents.
  • Secret Ninja Attack - The finishing blow is an untechable meteor smash.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes opponents during the clean hit.

Ice Climbers[edit]

  • Forward aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents if hit with the sweetspot located in front of Nana. Only the partner's forward aerial can meteor smash, as the leader's will always launch opponents horizontally.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes at sweetspot located directly on the blade.
  • Aether - Meteor smashes as Ike descends.
  • Great Aether - The penultimate hit is a meteor smash.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes during the clean hit's sweetspot on Incineroar's feet.
  • Cross Chop - Meteor smashes as Incineroar begins descending.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes if hit with the sweetspot on the Splattershot.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes during the clean hit's sweetspot located on the turnips.


  • Down aerial - Will always meteor smashes opponents regardless of whether the opponent is grounded or not. A stronger sweetspot is located directly below Ivysaur's bulb.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents on the second hit when Arsene is active.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents when the sweetspot on Ken's fist connects.

King Dedede[edit]

  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents when hit with the center of the hammer's head.
  • Super Dedede Jump - Meteor smashes aerial opponents while King Dedede is descending. Grounded opponents are buried instead.

King K. Rool[edit]

  • Up smash - The late and landing hits of King K. Rool's up smash has a weak meteor hitbox at his head.
  • Back aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents with the sweetspot on King K. Rool's fist. It is the strongest back aerial that can meteor smash.
  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes during the clean hit.


  • Down aerial - The final hit is a conventional meteor smash.
  • Final Cutter - Meteor smashes with strong set knockback as Kirby descends.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents during the clean hit.

Little Mac[edit]

  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes if hit with the sweetspot on Little Mac's glove. It is the weakest conventional meteor smash in the game.


  • Back aerial - Meteor smashes opponents with the clean hit's sweetspot at Lucas' foot.
  • Down aerial - The last hit of the attack meteor smashes opponents if hit with the sweetspot on Lucas' foot.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes at the center tip of the arc right below herself.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes during the first frame of the move.
  • Down taunt - Meteor smashes with exceptionally high set knockback, being the strongest conventional meteor smash in the game with set knockback.


  • Forward aerial - Meteor smashes at the middle of the move for four frames as he swings his fist downwards.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes at the center of the arc's tip.

Mega Man[edit]

  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents after the initial launch of the fist.
  • Up aerial - It will only meteor smash immediately after being reflected, making it unique from other meteor smashes.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents with the sweetspot on Mewtwo's foot.

Mii Brawler[edit]

  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents with the clean hit.
  • Onslaught - the penultimate hit is a meteor smash made to connect into the final, stronger hit.
  • Soaring Axe Kick - Meteor smashes during the follow-up attack's descent.
  • Head-On Assault - Repeteadly meteor smashes aerial opponents during its descent. Grounded opponents are knocked away instead.
  • Feint Jump - Meteor smashes opponents during the descent of the flip, similar to Zero Suit Samus's Flip Jump.
  • Omega Blitz - The finishing blow is a meteor smash.

Mii Gunner[edit]

  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents at the arm cannon's blast.
  • Cannon Jump Kick - The explosion meteor smashes aerial opponents.

Mii Swordfighter[edit]

  • Down aerial - All of the attack's hitboxes contain a weak meteor smash.
  • Stone Scabbard - Meteor smashes at its descent.

Min Min[edit]

  • Down aerial - A stall-then-fall motion that meteor smashes for the first few frames of Min Min's descent.

Mr. Game & Watch[edit]

  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes as it begins its descent.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes when sweetspotted at Ness' foot.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents with the clean hit, regardless of which Pikmin is used.
  • End of Day - Meteor smashes aerial opponents when the rocket launches and as it crash lands. Grounded opponents are buried instead.


  • Down aerial - Will always meteor smash aerial opponents regardless of the move's positioning or timing.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes with the clean hit.
  • Thunder - Meteor smashes when the cloud's hitbox connects.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes with the clean hit.
  • Thunder - Meteor smashes when the cloud's hitbox connects.

Piranha Plant[edit]

  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes with the clean hit's sweetspot on Piranha Plant's pot.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes at the clean hit's sweetspot, located at the center of the arc right below Pit.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smash during the first half of the arc.
  • Prominence Revolt - Very weak meteor smash as Pyra descends.


  • Down aerial - A stall-then-fall motion that meteor smashes for the first few frames of Richter's descent.


  • Down aerial - A stall-then-fall motion that meteor smashes for the first few frames of Ridley's descent.
  • Wing Blitz - The downward version meteor smashes aerial opponents.
  • Plasma Scream - If the opponents are below 100% damage at the end of the move, they will be meteor smashed back onto the center of the stage.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents at the center of the burner blast.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents only when the Levin Sword is active, on the sweetspot on the center of the Levin Sword's blade.
  • Elwind - Meteor smashes at the clean hit of the first shot.
  • Pair Up - The finishing blow is an untechable meteor smash.

Rosalina & Luma[edit]

  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes during the later frames of the move's duration, on the ring produced by Rosalina's feet. Luma's down aerial is not a meteor smash.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents near the hilt.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents when the sweetspot on Ryu's fist connects.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes at the center of the arc below Samus.


  • Down aerial - A stall-then-fall motion that meteor smashes for the first few frames of Sephiroth's descent.


  • Down aerial - A stall-then-fall motion that meteor smashes for the first few frames of Sheik's descent.


  • Down aerial - The second hit meteor smashes aerial opponents when sweetspotted at the middle of Shulk's blade.


  • Down aerial - A stall-then-fall motion that meteor smashes for the first few frames of Simon's descent.


  • Forward aerial - Meteor smashes at the sweetspot on Snake's leg. It is the strongest forward aerial that can meteor smash.


  • Down aerial - A stall-then-fall motion that meteor smashes aerial opponents for the first few frames of Sonic's descent.


  • Forward aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents at the sweetspot on the pickaxe's head as Steve swings it downward.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes opponents when the sweetspot on Terry's fist connects.
  • Power Dunk - The inputted version meteor smashes opponents just before the attack finishes descending.

Toon Link[edit]

  • Down aerial - A stall-then-fall motion that meteor smashes as Toon Link begins his descent.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes during the clean hit's sweetspot located on the turnip(s), no matter how many are pulled out.

Wii Fit Trainer[edit]

  • Forward aerial - Meteor smashes at the outstretched foot.
  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes aerial opponents with the clean hit.
  • Header - Meteor smashes if hit with the Trainer's headbutt.


  • Down aerial - Has no non-meteor sourspots or late hits throughout the move, meaning it will always meteor smash. A stronger sweetspot is located on Wolf's claws.
  • Wolf Flash - Meteor smashes aerial opponents at the clean hit's sweetspot located on Wolf's upper body. It is the strongest special move that can meteor smash.


  • Forward aerial - Meteor smashes at the sweetspot on Yoshi's nose.


  • Down aerial - Meteor smashes with both the clean hit and late hit, albeit the latter is significantly weaker.

Zero Suit Samus[edit]

  • Down aerial - A stall-then-fall motion that meteor smashes aerial opponents. Has no non-meteor sourspots or late hits throughout the move, meaning it will always meteor smash.
  • Flip Jump - Meteor smashes at both the initial move's descent and the follow-up kick's sweetspot on Samus' leg. The former buries grounded opponents, while the latter only meteor smashes aerial opponents.

Enemies and bosses[edit]

  • Master Hand/Crazy Hand - The Power Punch is a meteor smash.
  • Galeem - The Drill Pierce will meteor smash aerial characters.

Items that meteor smash[edit]

  • Pitfall - When a Pitfall is thrown at an airborne opponent, they will be sent downwards powerfully.
  • Warp Star - During the falling portion of the move, airborne opponents hit by it will be meteor smashed powerfully.
  • Hocotate Bomb - When it crashes back down, the bomb will send opponents downward with it.
  • Mr. Saturn - Can meteor smash opponents at extremely high percentages.
  • Bob-omb - Meteor smashes aerial opponents powerfully when thrown downward.


  • Arceus - Anyone except the player who summoned it who gets hit by its Gravity attack will be meteor smashed powerfully.
  • Deoxys - Anyone near it before it unleashes Hyper Beam will be meteor smashed.
  • Moltres - Anyone who comes into contact with its body will be meteor smashed.
  • Zoroark - The final attack will send opponents downwards.

Assist Trophies[edit]

  • Isaac - His Pound Psynergy can meteor smash aerial opponents.
  • Waluigi - Getting hit by his stomp in midair will meteor smash.
  • Black Knight - His downward swipe will meteor smash in midair.

Stage hazards[edit]

  • Jungle Japes - If a player touches a Klaptrap, they are powerfully meteor smashed for a OHKO.
  • The Great Cave Offensive - Ceiling-based Danger Zones will meteor smash opponents before 100.0% damage.
  • Mario Circuit - If a player touches the upside-down part of the track while the stage is moving, they are powerfully meteor smashed. Shy Guys also jumping from the ramp will meteor smash.
  • Palutena's Temple - Touching the bottom of the platform with spikes can meteor smash a player.
  • PictoChat 2 - The bottom of the boots can meteor smash a player.
  • The boats in Wuhu Island and Pirate Ship - When their hull is touched, it will meteor smash for an OHKO.
  • Ceiling-based terrain on Skyloft - As the stage is moving, if a player contacts an approaching structure, they are powerfully meteor smashed.
  • Garreg Mach Monastery - Breaking the chandeliers in the Reception Hall will meteor smash aerial opponents as it falls.
  • Custom Stages - For any stage that has lava, if a player comes into contact with the lava from below, they will be meteor smashed.

See also[edit]

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  1. Welcome to Meteor Madness! This is my first game EVER! The point of the game is to survive meteors and get a high score and max out all upgrades (except for lives, you can buy as many as you want). Check out my YouTube channel here: The Channel. Note: Don't hesitate to tell me in the comments below if there is anything wrong with the game.
  2. UVI is offering 40% off Meteor, at the special price of $89 / 89€ (instead of $149 / 149€) through February 10th, 2020. UVI says: Designed for and by composers, sound designers and musicians, Meteor is a creative tool that delivers rich and layered swells, dramatic crescendos, and powerful impacts.
  3. Meteor Multiplication is a math game that helps students with learning multiplication. Large meteors with multiplication problems move toward a space station in the center of the screen. Content: Multiplication facts to 12. Standards: 3.OA.C.7: Fluently multiply and divide within 100. Grades: Grade 3.
  4. 38 Games Like The King of Shreds and Patches for Mac. You, respectable printer Robert Fletcher, are invited to dine with your old friend John Croft, a dissolute theatrical type newly returned from his years abroad in Heidelberg.
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(Redirected from The Meteors (British band))
The Meteors performing in Pordenone, Italy in 2006
Background information
OriginUnited Kingdom
Years active1980–present
LabelsMutant Rock Records
Associated acts
  • The Legendary Raw Deal
  • P. Paul Fenech (solo)
  • The Surfin Dead
  • The Murder Brothers
MembersP. Paul Fenech
Wolfgang Hordemann

The Meteors are an English psychobilly band formed in 1980. Originally from London, England, they are often credited with giving the psychobilly subgenre—which fuses punk rock with rockabilly—its distinctive sound and style. Though the origins of psychobilly are debated, The Meteors are the second band to self-identify as psychobilly after The Cramps, and are often credited with the distinction of being a 'pure' psychobilly band among fans of the subgenre.

About.com calls the Meteors 'the first true psychobilly band,' noting their blend of the 'themes of horror, punk and rockabilly'. They were the second band to use the term 'Psychobilly' as a description of their music.[1] Formed in South London in 1980, they are considered the first verifiable psychobilly band.[2] Their albums In Heaven (1981) and Wreckin' Crew (1983) are considered landmarks of the early years of the genre.[3][4] 'Starting in the neo-rockabilly scene, the Meteors were initially shunned for being too different. Excuses for exclusion from rockabilly concerts varied from the band having too extreme of a sound to their drummer having green hair.'[5] The Meteors blended elements of punk rock, rockabilly, and horror film themes in their music. The Meteors articulated psychobilly's apolitical stance, a reaction to the right- and left-wing political attitudes which divided other British youth cultures.[3] Fans of the Meteors, known as 'the Crazies', are often attributed with inventing the style of slam dancing known as 'wrecking', which became synonymous with the psychobilly.[6]


The Meteors were formed in 1980 by P. Paul Fenech (guitar and vocals), Nigel Lewis (upright bass/electric bass and vocals), and Mark Robertson (drums).[7] Fenech and Lewis had played in rockabilly bands before, but left their former band, Raw Deal, in order to experiment with a new sound that mixed horror and science fiction lyrics with a punk rock / rockabilly crossover (as distinct from the slower, psychedelic rockabilly sound of the Cramps).[7] This sound would later be called psychobilly. What made them unique was that Fenech and Lewis each sang lead vocals on their own tracks.

The Meteors played their first show during Rockabilly Night at The Sparrow Hawk in north London, but, after being heckled due to their cross between rockabilly and punk attitudes, decided to begin playing shows beyond just rockabilly clubs. They developed a loyal following known as 'the Crazies' or 'Zorchmen', who invented their own dance style then called 'going mental,' a cross between fighting, dancing, and moshing. This would later be renamed 'wrecking,' and is still a staple of the psychobilly scene. This, coupled with Fenech's ritual of spitting (chicken) blood during performances, led many clubs into believing the band was dangerous and refusing to book them. The band began playing at punk rock clubs alongside UK punk bands such as The Clash, The Damned, and later Anti-Nowhere League and the UK Subs. However, unlike many punk bands, The Meteors would (and still very much do) insist that their shows be 'a politics and religion free zone' in order to focus on having a good time instead of allowing disputes between fans to break out.

Meteor Madness (CharlieMort Games) Mac OS

The band made their first TV appearance on Thames TV afternoon show White Light in late 1980. Due to their large cult following, The Meteors made a short film in late 1980 with comedian Keith Allen called Meteor Madness. It was released as a double feature with 2 Toneska film Dance Craze in March 1981. The movie featured four songs, which made it onto the band's first vinyl single first issued on Ace Records and later on Big Beat. To date, the film Meteor Madness has never been released on video or DVD, although over the last few years poor quality copies have appeared on YouTube. The tracks were also issued as a rare 12' mini-album called The Meteors Meet Screaming Lord Sutch. Soon after that, they issued the double A-side anthems 'Radioactive Kid' and 'Graveyard Stomp'. A session was recorded for the John PeelBBC radio show in June 1981. Again, to date, these tracks have never been officially released. In August 1981, the band were signed to Island Records and recorded their first full-length album, The Case Of The Meteors In Heaven,[7] and 7' single, 'The Crazed'. The band were interviewed by No Class fanzine at The Marquee on the night of the live-recording of the track In Heaven. The original line-up also recorded an EP although, due to contract restraints, it was issued under the pseudonym of Clapham-South Escalators, which featured two vocal tracks by Lewis: 'Get Me To The World On Time' and 'Cardboard Cutouts'; plus one by Fenech: 'Leave Me Alone'.[7] Not long after this, Mark Robertson left the band after an invitation to join Theatre Of Hate (although this never materialised). He was replaced by longtime Meteors fan/roadie Woodie. This line-up also recorded a single in early 1982 under another pseudonym; this time 'The Tall Boys' was used. The single featured two vocal tracks from Lewis: 'Another Half Hour Till Sunrise' and 'Island Of Lost Souls'. This was to be the last recording featuring Fenech and Lewis together as both Nigel and Woodie left soon after.[7] Lewis later took part in The Escalators, The Tall Boys, The Johnson Family, and the Zorchmen.

The Meteors have gone through many line-up changes since, with Fenech being the only original member today. The current line-up includes Hendrik Corleone on bass and Wolfgang Hordemann (who, though not from the original line up, is the longest serving member by far after Fenech) on drums. They have 25 official albums, countless singles, and numerous re-issues and compilation appearances. They continue to record using their own In Heaven recording studios, based in an old church—Fenech is a fully qualified sound engineer and producer—and also Maddog Studios (a 58-metre-high (190 ft) tower in Germany), both professional studios used by many bands from around the world. The Meteors have extensively toured Japan, Europe and Scandinavia, South America, USA, and Canada. At the time of writing, they have completed well over 5500 live shows (many times two or three performances per night, such as the OTMAPP Festivals).

P. Paul Fenech has also released ten solo albums and plays in many side projects including The Legendary Raw Deal (rockabilly), The Surfing Dead (instrumental), and The Murder Brothers. He is also a prolific and successful writer of horror film music and has written extensively for television and many other films (Under a pseudonym). Fenech has recently contributed tracks to Sony for some upcoming PlayStation games. Nigel Lewis and Mark Robertson went on to play together in the Escalators with Woodie (drums/guitar) and Bart Coles (vocals/bass), a psychedelic rock band (although with a similar sound to Nigel's Meteors vocal tracks), and released a couple of singles and an album on the Big Beat record label. However, a serious back injury to Nigel stopped the band in their tracks. Several months later, Nigel and Mark were to re-emerge as the Tall Boys, a band best known for recording the song 'Take a Walk' for the Return of the Living Dead soundtrack.



  • 1981 In Heaven
  • 1983 Wreckin’ Crew
  • 1984 Stampede!
  • 1985 Monkey’s Breath
  • 1986 Sewertime Blues
  • 1987 Don't Touch The Bang Bang Fruit
  • 1988 Only the Meteors Are Pure Psychobilly
  • 1988 The Mutant Monkey and the Surfers from Zorch
  • 1989 Undead, Unfriendly and Unstoppable
  • 1991 Madman Roll
  • 1992 Demonopoly
  • 1994 No Surrender
  • 1995 Mental Instru Mentals
  • 1997 Bastard Sons of a Rock’n’Roll Devil
  • 1999 The Meteors vs. The World
  • 2001 Psycho Down!
  • 2003 Psychobilly
  • 2004 These Evil Things
  • 2004 The Lost Album
  • 2007 Hymns for the Hellbound
  • 2009 Hell Train Rollin'
  • 2012 Doing the Lord's Work
  • 2016 The Power Of 3

Meteor Madness (charliemort Games) Mac Os Catalina

Singles and EPs[edit]

  • 1981 'The Crazed' / 'Attack Of The Zorch Men'
  • 1981 'Meteor Madness'
  • 1981 'Radioactive Kid'
  • 1981 'The Meteors Meet Screaming Lord Sutch'
  • 1982 'Mutant Rock'
  • 1983 'Johnny Remember Me'
  • 1984 'I'm Just A Dog'
  • 1985 'Hogs & Cuties'
  • 1985 'Fire, Fire'
  • 1985 'Stampede'
  • 1985 'Bad Moon Rising'
  • 1986 'Surf City'
  • 1986 'Archive4'
  • 1987 'Don't Touch The Bang Bang Fruit'
  • 1987 'Go Buddy Go'
  • 1988 'Somebody Put Something In My Drink'
  • 1988 'Rawhide' / 'Surfin' On The Planet Zorch'
  • 1988 'Please Don't Touch'
  • 1991 'Encores'
  • 1991 'Chainsaw Boogie'
  • 1992 'Who Do You Love'
  • 1994 'Hell Ain't Hot Enough For Me'
  • 1994 'The Meteors'
  • 1997 'Slow Down You Grave Robbing Bastard'
  • 2005 '25th Anniversary'
  • 2007 'Disneyland' / 'Surf City'
  • 2009 'Psychobilly Number One'
  • 2012 'The Psychomania Syndrome (Welcome)'
  • 2016 'Psycho (Wrecked Forever)'

Meteor Madness (charliemort Games) Mac Os 11

Live albums[edit]

Meteor Madness (CharlieMort Games) Mac OS
  • 1983 The Meteors Live
  • 1986 Live II
  • 1987 Live And Loud!!
  • 1987 Night Of The Werewolf
  • 1990 Live Styles Of The Sick And Shameless (Live III)
  • 1991 Encores
  • 1992 Live 4 ... International Wreckers
  • 1996 Welcome To The Wreckin’ Pit
  • 1996 International Wreckers 2 (The Lost Tapes Of Zorch)
  • 1999 Psychobilly Revolution
  • 2002 The Final Conflict
  • 2003 From Beyond (recording from a 1981 gig, to date the only official 'live' recording of the original line-up)
  • 2004 Hell In The Pacific
  • 2012 Maniac Rockers From Hell
  • 2020 Best of Life ( Vinyl )


  • 1985 The Curse of the Mutants
  • 1986 Teenagers from Outer Space (all the tracks of the original line-up including a few rare unreleased tracks)
  • 1987 Don't Touch the Bang Bang Fruit
  • 1989 Stampede & Monkey's Breath
  • 1989 Undead, Unfriendly And Unstoppable Plus The Mutant Monkey And The Surfers From Zorch
  • 1991 Bad Moon Rising
  • 1991 The Meteors Live & The Meteors Live II
  • 1993 The Best Of
  • 1995 Corpse Grinder (The Best Of)
  • 1995 Graveyard Stomp, The Best Of The Meteors 1981–1988
  • 1995 Sewertime Blues / Don't Touch The Bang Bang Fruit
  • 1995 Live, Leary And Fucking Loud!
  • 1996 John Peel Sessions (1983–1985)
  • 1997 From Zorch With Love: The Very Best Of The Meteors 1981–1987
  • 2001 Anagram Singles Collection
  • 2002 Wreckin' Live
  • 2005 Meteor Club – The Best Of
  • 2011 Kings Of Psychobilly
  • 2012 30Th Anniversary Box
  • 2013 Psychobilly Rules! The Collection


  1. ^'Psychobilly'. About.com. Archived from the original on March 21, 2016.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  2. ^Marcus, Andrew (March 2009). 'No, Seriously, Ask That Guy: The Meteors'. Alternative Press. No. 248. Cleveland, Ohio. p. 118.
  3. ^ abRyan Downey (November 2004). Psyched to Be Here. Alternative Press. p. 77.
  4. ^Ryan Downey (November 2004). Psyched to Be Here. Alternative Press. p. 80.
  5. ^Katz, Nate (February 2012). 'The Dawn of Psychobilly'. Perfect Sound Forever. Retrieved October 20, 2013.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  6. ^Ryan Downey (November 2004). Psyched to Be Here. Alternative Press. p. 78.
  7. ^ abcdeColin Larkin, ed. (2003). The Virgin Encyclopedia of Eighties Music (Third ed.). Virgin Books. pp. 339/40. ISBN1-85227-969-9.
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Meteor Madness (CharlieMort Games) Mac OS

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