Key Twister! Mac OS

Key Twister! Mac OS

May 23 2021

Key Twister! Mac OS

The Command key was formerly represented by an Apple logo. The Apple logo is one fo the few symbols here that can be easily typed with a typical keyboard layout: ⌥⇧K. There is also an Fn modifier on modern Mac keyboards. Typically, this isn't seen in keyboard shortcuts because it's primarily used to access keys F1 through F20.

Columns in the tables:

  • Sym: The symbol representing the key
  • Key: The common name of the key
  • CrossPlat?: Whether the symbol is cross-platform. If 'No', then the symbol is unlikely to render properly outside the Apple ecosystem.
  • Alt: An alternate symbol used in some contexts (e.g., legacy)
  • Alt CrossPlat?: Whether the alternate symbol is cross-platform

To perform the keyboard shortcuts shown throughout Mac OS X, you’ll need to know the symbols. Aside from ⌘ representing Command and ⌥ representing Option, ^ represents Control while ⇧ represents the Shift key. Windows and Mac Keyboard Differences. At least five keys have different names or symbols on a Windows keyboard than they do on a Mac keyboard, which can make it difficult to follow Mac-related instructions. For example, a software manual may tell you to hold down the command key ( ⌘ ), which appears to be missing from your Windows keyboard. Twister is a Twitter-like microblogging platform that utilizes the same blockchain technology as Bitcoin, and the file exchange method from BitTorrent, both based on P2P technologies. Twister is experimental software in alpha phase, implemented as a distributed file sharing system. User registration and authentication is provided by a Bitcoin-like network, so it is completely. Although Twister OS is a small project hailing from a single developer, unlike Raspberry Pi OS, Canonical's Ubuntu, or Manjaro Linux, it's an incredibly detail-oriented and polished operating system. The excellent experience that it provides begins with aesthetics.


When a key combination is displayed, the modifiers are written in the order presented here. For example, Control + Option + Shift + Command + Q would be written as ⌃⌥⇧⌘Q.

SymKeyCrossPlat?AltAlt CrossPlat?

The Command key was formerly represented by an Apple logo. The Apple logo is one fo the few symbols here that can be easily typed with a typical keyboard layout: ⌥⇧K

There is also an Fn modifier on modern Mac keyboards. Typically, this isn't seen in keyboard shortcuts because it's primarily used to access keys F1 through F20. However, it can technically be combined with Control plus one other key to get a unique legacy combination. Each of these Fn + Control combinations maps to a character in Unicode's U+F700 to U+F7FF private use range. Some programs will erroneously print these characters upon receiving such a combination. With system Mac fonts, these characters lack visible glyphs and are for internal use only. Quote from ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/APPLE/CORPCHAR.TXT:

NeXT's OpenStep reserved corporate characters in the range 0xF700 to0xF8FF for transient use as keyboard function keys. The ones actuallyassigned in NextStep are 0xF700-0xF747, as follows. These are stillused in the Mac OS X AppKit frameworks. Note that there is no glyphassociated with these, and they are not mapped or used by the Mac OSText Encoding Converter.

Twister Os On Windows 10


SymKeyCrossPlat?AltAlt CrossPlat?
Delete fwdYes
Caps lockYes
Page upYes
Page downYes
Back tabYes
Context menuNo
Num lockYes

The alternate eject symbol,  (U+F804), is from a Unicode private use region. Apple designates it for use with mapping to/from the Mac OS Keyboard encoding. Ideally, the official Unicode variant should be used instead, as it will be compatible with fonts on other platforms. Quote from ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/APPLE/CORPCHAR.TXT:

The following (11) are for mapping the Mac OS Keyboard and Mac OS Koreanencodings (for Mac OS Korean also see 0xF83D, 0xF840-0xF84F).

Reference: ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/APPLE/KEYBOARD.TXT

These are the official Unicode symbol mappings published by Apple.

SymUnicodeMacKey nameNotes
U+F8FF0x14CommandOld; solid Apple logo
U+F8FF U+F87F0x6CCommandOld; outlined Apple logo
U+21E50x02Tab right (LTR)
U+21E40x03Tab left (RTL)
U+21A90x0BReturn (LTR)
U+21AA0x0CReturn (RTL)
U+232B0x17Delete left (LTR)
U+23260x0ADelete right (RTL)
U+21EA0x63Caps lock
?⃝U+003F U+20DD0x67Help
U+21DE0x62Page up
U+21DF0x6BPage down
U+F8030x6DContext menu
❘⃝U+2758 U+20DD0x6EPower
英数U+82F1 U+65700x8DEisuJapanese
かなU+304B U+306A0x8EKanaJapanese
F1U+F860 F 10x6FF1
F2U+F860 F 20x70F2
F3U+F860 F 30x71F3
F4U+F860 F 40x72F4
F5U+F860 F 50x73F5
F6U+F860 F 60x74F6
F7U+F860 F 70x75F7
F8U+F860 F 80x76F8
F9U+F860 F 90x77F9
F10U+F861 F 1 00x78F10
F11U+F861 F 1 10x79F11
F12U+F861 F 1 20x7AF12
F13U+F861 F 1 30x87F13
F14U+F861 F 1 40x88F14
F15U+F861 F 1 50x89F15
F16U+F861 F 1 6F16
F17U+F861 F 1 7F17
F18U+F861 F 1 8F18
F19U+F861 F 1 9F19
F20U+F861 F 2 0F20

Some entries are missing key names; these don't map to physical keys.

LTR indicates usage with left-to-right languages: that means text flows from left to right, such as in most Western languages. RTL indicates the opposite. Many keyboards have both Delete Left and Delete Right, regardless of text direction.


ISO indicates a symbol designated by an ISO standard. ISO standard symbols aren't necessarily used by Mac.

Symbols composed of multiple Unicode characters are special in that they are treated as a single character on Mac, despite appearing as multiple symbols. For most of the characters, this grouping is controlled by the first character, which is a Unicode private use character that is invisible on Mac. The others use standard Unicode combining techniques. Quote from ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/APPLE/KEYBOARD.TXT:

The block of 32 characters 0xF860-0xF87F is for transcoding hints.These are used in combination with standard Unicode characters to forcethem to be treated in a special way for mapping to other encodings;they have no other effect.

Screen reader keyboard shortcuts > VoiceOver on a Mac

Also available in a single-page printer-friendly PDF version.

VoiceOver for macOS, first introduced in Mac OS X 10.4 in 2005, is a screen reader program that comes on new Mac computers. A variation of VoiceOver is also available on iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches.


VoiceOver works best with Safari. If you try to use it with any other browser, it may work for some things, but not as consistently as with Safari.

Keyboard Accessibility on a Mac

Keyboard accessibility is NOT enabled by default on a Mac. Your accessibility and screen reader test results will be inaccurate if you do not enable keyboard accessibility in the following two places:

  1. System Settings: Keyboard > Shortcuts > Full Keyboard Access > All controls
  2. Safari Settings: Advanced > Accessibility > Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage.

Key Twister Mac Os X

The basics

Command + F5 starts the VoiceOver program. VoiceOver uses the Control and Option keys before each command. The combination is referred to as VO in the tables. The VO keys can be locked so that they do not need to be pressed to perform VoiceOver commands by pressing VO + ;.

Getting Started
Start (or stop) VoiceOverCommand + F5
VoiceOver Activation keys (or VO keys)Control + Option (referenced as VO)
Lock (or unlock) VO keysVO + ;
Repeat last spoken phraseVO + Z
Open rotor (see explanation below)VO + U
Start readingVO + A
Stop readingControl
Read next itemVO + Right Arrow
Read previous itemVO + Left Arrow
Read paragraphVO + P
Read sentenceVO + S
Read word (press W multiple times to spell words alphabetically and phonetically)VO + W
Read from top to current locationVO + B
Jump to top of page (using desktop keyboards)VO + Home
Jump to top of page (using laptop keyboards)VO + Fn + Left Arrow
Jump to bottom of page (using desktop keyboards)VO + End
Jump to bottom of page (using laptop keyboards)VO + Fn + Right Arrow
Navigate table cellsVO + Arrow Keys ( or or or )
Select speech setting option (speaking rate, voice, pitch, etc.)VO + Command +
Right Arrow / Left Arrow
Modify the selected speech settingVO + Command + Up Arrow / Down Arrow


The following shortcuts will help you navigate common page elements. You can press the Shift key with these commands to move to the previous occurrence.

Page Elements
Go to next/previous focusable item (link, button, input, etc.)Tab / Shift + Tab
Next linkVO + Command + L
Next visited linkVO + Command + V
Next headingVO + Command + H
Next form elementVO + Command + J
Next tableVO + Command + T
Next listVO + Command + X
Next graphicVO + Command + G
Activate a link or form controlVO + Space Bar
Go to previous (heading, table, etc.)VO + Shift + Command + (H, T, etc.)
Interact with (go into/out of) objects (like iframes, menus, application regions, etc.)VO + Shift + Down Arrow / Up Arrow

Data tables

You can navigate tables in text areas by row and column, and sort by column.

Data Tables
Read column headerVO + C
Read row from VO cursor location to end of rowVO + R
Read column from VO cursor location to bottom of columnVO + R + C
Move up or down in a columnUp Arrow or Down Arrow
Move across a rowLeft Arrow or Right Arrow

The rotor

The VoiceOver 'rotor' feature helps users to do some frequently performed navigation actions quickly and easily. You can choose which element types are viewable in the rotor by opening the VoiceOver Utility with VO + F8, then going to Web > Web Rotor.

Open the rotor by pressing VO + U, then use the Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys to choose between element types (availability varies depending on the content of the web page, and whether the element type is enabled for viewing in the rotor), such as Links, Headings, Tables, Frames, Images, Auto Web Spots (automatically generated list of structural and significant items on the page), Web Spots (user-identified page areas), Form Controls, Landmarks, Visited Links, and Non-Visited Links. Once a page element type is selected, use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow to select a particular element and Enter to activate it. Escape exits the rotor.

Within the rotor, you can begin typing to filter the available elements. For example, with the Headers rotor open, pressing '2' will filter to second level headings. Typing 'nav' will filter to the headings that contain those characters.

Additional resources

Will Twister Os Run On Windows Pc

Apple provides VoiceOver user information at www.apple.com/voiceover/info/guide/.

Key Twister! Mac OS

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